Online Orders
Yes, you may do so by simply selecting
“In-Store collection” upon checkout.
You earn 1 Loyalty Point with every $1 spent via our website. Loyalty Points are redeemable on your next online purchase and can be accumulated for future purchases. However, Loyalty Points are not entitled to be used in conjunction with promotional items or services.
There is no expiry date to your Loyalty Points.
Once your order has been received, you will be updated on its status via email. Once your order has been scheduled, you will receive an email notification with the tracking details.
For phone orders, you will receive updates via SMS or Whatsapp.
all members continue to enjoy your product discount privilege. However,
products are not applicable for membership credit redemption. Members enjoy
FREE Standard Local Courier and $5 off Express Courier services.
email, sms or WhatsApp us your product orders!
- Online Orders: PayPal via our website, Bank Transfer*, Credit Card
- Phone Orders: Bank Transfer, PayNow*
*Kindly note that we require proof of transfer to be sent to us via email, sms or WhatsApp before delivery will be arranged.
advise you to look through the ingredients of our products carefully before
making a purchase. Should you develop any adverse reaction (such as rash or
irritation), do not continue to use the product. We advise you to drop us a
message or call for our team to assist you further.
offers a 7 day exchange policy for product purchases.
exchange is applicable to unopened products in original packaging.
note that there will be no cash refund for products purchased, credits will be
credited to your account which can be redeemed for other products instead.
you have received a defective or incorrect item, please contact us within 7
days of purchase with your invoice number for us to rectify the error.
and/or discounted services are strictly non-refundable.