INDIBA Eye Rejuvenation

The only technology that is able to work over the eyelids to enhance lifting and achieve micro-circulation. Results are effective on puffy eye bags caused by fatty deposits, water retention, wrinkles, lines and intense dark eye circles. 

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Key Benefits

  • Reduces water retention, wrinkles and fine lines
  • Brightens up dark eye circles
  • Improves circulation around the eyes 
  • Intense eye lifting effect

Suitable For


Use of pacemakers or other electronic implants.





Infections: do not treat the involved area.

Anticoagulant medication: ask the doctor in charge.

Treatment in paediatric population: Ask the pediatrician in charge, given authorization, apply less output power, close attention to skin colour changes and skin palpation by the therapist to control the local heat.

Impaired cognition & sensation: Apply less output power, close attention to skin colour changes and skin palpation by the therapist to control the local heat.

Wounds and burns: Work under aseptic conditions and under subthermal mode.


Side effects

After treatment, it is normal for customers to feel a warm sensation in the treatment area. The customer may also notice some temporary discomfort in this area. Rarely, the application of INDIBA® PROIONIC® Creams may cause minor skin irritation.


$180, 30 mins

(First Trial $126)


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Please take note that there will be a revervation fee of $20 upon confirmation of availability.